The Subconscious Mind

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Life, they say, is what you make it.

We may all come from different beginnings and various life backgrounds, but when it comes to the things we pursue in life, there is a common theme to them. Good things. All of us desire the good things life could offer.

Far too often, we settle for what seems reachable and possible, limited by our circumstances and perceived reality – limited by what we only see. The truth is, we’re really limited only by our minds. Our mind is a powerful tool. Load it with knowledge and awareness, and the right application can steer us possibly anywhere we choose. But the mind is only as potent as our level of awareness and how we use it.

The subconscious mind operates much like a computer operating system; it only runs in the background but it is mostly the one in control of the computer’s functioning. Continue reading

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Our lives overflow with limitless potential and abundance. We all have the potential to succeed, to be the best at what we do, and to achieve greater heights of achievement.

One of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal is our subconscious mind. It stores our lifetime memories and experiences impeccably, and more importantly, directs our everyday lives through our habits, behaviors, and thoughts.

Harnessing its potential can be life-changing. We all have access to the power of our mind, but not everybody understands the massive influence the subconscious mind holds over our path and success in life. One of the surest paths to success and happiness is to use our subconscious mind and unlock its almost limitless potential. Continue reading