Living More Simply

There are many benefits to living more simply, and everyone has different reasons for choosing to simply their life. But there are definitely some reoccurring benefits that you see on almost everyone’s “reasons to simplify” list. See which of these could motivate you to choose a simplified lifestyle.

More Time

Everyone would like more time, but 24 hours each day is all we get. So using this time on the things that are really important to us is of the essence. When you say no to more activities and obligations and have less stuff to maintain, you end up with more time to live the life you want to live.

Less Stress

Along with more time, people are desperately seeking ways to lessen the amount of stress they have in their daily lives. Fewer obligations, less doing and fewer possessions mean there’s less overall to deal with. Continue reading

No one said it would be easy to simplify. Ask anyone who has moved to a more minimalist lifestyle, and they’ll tell you that there can be a lot of resistance come up. But it’s only stuff. Why do we have such a tough time finding a new home (including the trashcan) for items we no longer need or use? It’s all about the emotions surrounding the items that cause us to hold on tightly.

Stuff Makes Us Feel Secure

We buy with our emotions, not logic, which means we invest emotionally in our possessions. Having a lot of stuff makes us feel safe and secure. How many things do you keep around “just in case”? Having a lot of stuff or expensive items gives us status in our society, which also makes us feel important and secure in our place in the world. Continue reading