Stress & Stress Relief

Stress can affect different people in different ways. While one person might feel listless and unmotivated, another person might become jittery and feel on-edge all the time.

Still, there are several common symptoms that can be a sign that you are experiencing high levels of stress on a regular basis.

If you think you might be suffering from chronic, read to learn about some of the most common warning and how they can affect your life.

Persistent Physical Pain

One of the most common signs of chronic stress is persistent pain throughout the body. While this can actually affect any part of the body, many people tend to experience it as headaches and stomach aches. Continue reading

The American lifestyle is rife with stress, with things like caring for the sick and the elderly, heavy job pressures, hectic lifestyles and financial difficulties being a part of our everyday lives.

A survey done by the American Psychological Association (the Stress in America Survey), approximately 42 percent of Americans indicate that their level of stress has risen in the past 5 years.

Stress is being reported in teenagers, who often experience more stress than adults do.

Recent research out of the University of California, San Francisco, has indicated that chronic stress occurs even in fetuses and before conception and is programmed into our cells from the moment of conception. Continue reading