Do you ever have those moments where you are trying to get something done, but you can’t get out of your head long enough to focus? Maybe you are fearful, doubtful, anxious, stressed, or simply remembering an embarrassing situation from ten years ago. Whatever the reason, sometimes we struggle to get out of our heads. If this sounds like you, check out these nine handy tips on how to deal with it.

1 – Schedule Reflection Time

You can’t possibly eliminate all of the thoughts running through your head, so why not schedule some time to reflect? Schedule some good old “me time” with just you and your head. Hopefully, this will allow you to carry on distraction-free the rest of the day.

2 – Write Your Thoughts Down

If you find that you are often lost in worry, anxiety, or other negative feelings, try releasing them with the written word. Starting a journaling practice is a great way to get those worries stuck in your head out into the open.

3 – Spend Time with Loved Ones

When you spend time with people you truly care about, you will be less likely to be lost in your thoughts. Make a concerted effort to get caught up in the moment. Listen closely to what they say; observe what they do, feel the joy of just being with them.

4 – Establish a Meditation Routine

Meditation is all about clearing your mind. While that is hardly a thorough definition, it does sound perfect if you are struggling to get out of your head. It may take you some time to break through all the noise and relax enough to meditate, but it’s worth the effort.

5 – Work up a Sweat

It’s hard to worry about the thoughts in your head when you feel like your heart is about to beat through your chest. Of course, you don’t have to go that hard – but spending any time exercising will keep you out of your head, and you will get all the normal benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

6 – Take Action on Your Thoughts

If you are lost in thought with worry, doubt, or fear about some aspect of your life, then try taking some action. You don’t even have to do anything drastic. Just jot down some ways you can address the issues you worry or fret over.

7 – What Do You Value?

Do you know what matters to you? It might seem like a silly question, but most of us never really define the things we care about most. When you figure out what means the absolute most to you, the thoughts of things that don’t matter will start to drift away.

8 – Use the 5-4-3-2-1 Method

Sometimes you will find yourself with so many thoughts racing through your mind you feel on the urge of panic. The 5-4-3-2-1 method is a great way to ground yourself. You just look around and pick out 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 you can hear, 2 you can smell, and 1 you can taste. It’s a simple but effective way to stay mindful.

9 – Talk to a Professional

If you feel so stuck in your head that it negatively impacts your mental well-being, career, or relationships, consider speaking with a professional. There is absolutely no shame in doing so. A trained professional is simply another support for you to lean on.


Actionable Steps





Pick a time each day when you can be alone with just your thoughts. Fifteen minutes should be more than enough to start. Use this time to let your mind wander. Make a mental note of any recurring worries.


Focus on one of the recurring worries from the last step. Take some time to write down a few steps you could take to address the worry. This is your action plan.


Take action. Now it is time to choose one step – start with the simplest – and start working on it. You don’t have to finish anything. It’s just so important to take that first step.