Being Organized

Do you ever feel claustrophobic, hemmed in by all the ‘stuff’ you own? Do you spend more time searching for the things you need than actually using them when you do find them? Or worse, find it easier to drive to the shops to buy another, even though you know you have two or more somewhere?

Taking the First Step

The first positive step to becoming more organized is to get rid of all the excessive, unused junk you have accumulated over the years. Clutter is a hindrance and a distraction to your ability to concentrate. Having more space and less distraction allows you to focus on the important things and you are able to work (and play) more efficiently. Continue reading

As a rule people don’t suddenly become disorganized. It takes time to develop bad habits that lead to a habitually disorganized lifestyle. Many of these unproductive habits are lifelong, seeded in childhood and developed in maturity.

A good many may have started because of your environment, unconsciously acquired by mimicking those around you. However, you do have the power to change, if you desire. This will allow you to better control your life, instead of always feeling you are ‘out of control’.

If you are a disorganized person, then you will need to replace those bad habits that took years to cultivate, with new ones. Developing the necessary good habits requires you to motivate yourself. If you are to become organized you need to plan ahead and prioritize your tasks. Continue reading