The Subconscious Mind

Are you fully conscious of what you’re doing 100% of the time? Almost certainly, like most people, you are not. You are not always conscious that you go straight into the shower the moment you wake up in the morning, or that you automatically snooze your alarm for 10 more minutes every morning, or that you get dressed within 15 minutes and race off to work and out of the house when you’re already late.

We’ve made many reflex actions out of our daily routines that we are hardly conscious of at the time. And we rely on our habits to get us through our day. Because most of these are repeated actions, they’re effortless and easy, and we need to put little thought into doing them.

Studies show that approximately 95% of our human brain activity is beyond our conscious awareness. The unconscious part of our brain (subconscious mind) is powerful beyond measure. Continue reading

The biggest limit to what we can believe and in turn, achieve is our mind. Our minds are like a blank canvas with unlimited potential. Nurture it well, and it can be our most powerful ally to help us get through anything and help us achieve unimaginable heights of success. It’s also very capable of pulling us down and becoming our worst enemy.

The Power of the Mind (Subconscious Mind)

All organs in the body are important, but the most essential of them all is the brain. The human brain does not only make up the most critical organ system in our bodies, but it is also the central command of all our thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

The mind-body connection is neither a myth nor a knowledge to be put on the sidelines. Without the mind, which is responsible for allowing any action, we can’t do anything sensible in our lives. But not everything in our mind is conscious thought. Continue reading