Overcoming Self-Doubt

Do you ever doubt yourself? Do you doubt you can do whatever it is you’ve set out to do? It’s perfectly normal. We all do it. Self-doubt is something anyone faces at some point in their life. And, for some of us it can be a real struggle.

When self-doubt – which is defined as the lack of confidence in oneself and one’s abilities – keeps us from doing that we want to do and from reaching our goals, it’s time to take action and work towards overcoming it.

And since self-doubt by definition is caused by a lack of confidence, the solution is obvious. We need no to work on becoming more confident.

But, how do you go about boosting your self-confidence? Saying “You need to be more confident” is easy, actually doing it can be a little harder, but it can be done. Continue reading

Let’s talk about confidence. It is the single best way to get over any feelings of self-doubt and a powerful productivity booster. I’m sure you know this from experience. If you feel confident, you believe you can do almost anything and the work goes much faster (and easier it seems).

Being able to boost your confidence, when you’re feeling low and doubtful is a great skill to have. Here are two simple, but powerful strategies that will allow you to boost your own confidence when the need arises.

Break It Down into Baby Steps

This may seem like a weird way to boost confidence at first glance, but trust me, it works like a charm.

We tend to lose our confidence in ourselves and our abilities when a task, problem, job, or situation overwhelms us. We can’t grasp it all and the endless list of things that need to be done seems like too much to tackle. So don’t. Continue reading