Overcoming Self-Doubt

Let’s talk about self-doubt and fear and what they have to do with each other. They are much more closely related than you may think.

Fear is behind all our feelings of self-doubt and that’s an important thing to realize.

Let me explain. Self-doubt is the lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. And, that lack of confidence is usually caused by fear.

Fear of not being good enough. Fear of not being able to do things right. Fear of not being able to see things through to the end. Fear of messing up. Fear of disappointing or hurting those around us. Fear of being ridiculed or laughed at.

If you think about all the different times you’ve seriously doubted yourself, you will likely find fear the root of the problem. Continue reading

You may not have thought about it in those terms, but it’s a serious question with serious and potentially costly consequences. Is self-doubt hurting your bank account? Let me explain what I mean and how this scary financial scenario can happen … and happen to any of us.

Self-Doubt Keeps You from Going After Your Dream Job

Do you remember when you were a little kid and thought you could be anything you wanted to be? It didn’t matter if President, Ballerina, or Astronaut was your dream job. There was no doubt in your mind that you could do it.

Then as you grew older, self-doubt started to show up and you started to compromise. Yes, those three job options were likely out of reach, and probably no longer on your list of dream jobs. But, what about the stuff you were good at and the things you really wanted to accomplish. Continue reading