Overcoming Self-Doubt

Let’s talk about something important. Self-Doubt and Second Guessing yourself. I think it’s important that you realize that the two are not the same. One can be destructive and hold you back, while the other is just plain smart. Let me explain.

To second guess yourself can be a very smart thing to do. Sometimes we react or act impulsively and jump in before thinking things through.

For example, let’s say you want to go into business for yourself. Quitting your job and then figuring out what you want to do and how you’ll make enough money to support yourself and your family is a bit impulsive.

It’s good to second guess that decision and instead come up with a more sensible plan of starting your business on the side, saving up some emergency funds, and only then quitting your day job. Continue reading

Self-Doubt is the lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities. And it can keep you from doing the things you want to do and it can keep you from reaching the goals you’ve set for yourself. In fact, it can be quite paralyzing, keeping you from moving forward.

And, who likes to be stuck where they are at – particularly when you’re not very happy about where you are at.

But what can you do when you’re doubting yourself? It’s simple and the solution is found in the first sentence of this post, which is a definition of self-doubt.

The key to banishing those doubtful feelings and the little voice in your head that tells you that it can’t be done is confidence. The key then is to boost your confidence. And, you can do that in a multitude of ways. Continue reading