
You may know you are an introvert because you re-energize when you spend time alone in contemplation. But you may not have realized some of the other personality traits you have thanks to your introversion. Up until recently, many people thought being an introvert was a negative thing. We now better understand that the introverts of the world have much to offer.

Good Judge of Character

Introverts tend to be good judges of character. You have probably noticed your affinity for “vibing out” people who can’t be trusted, for example. This trait may be such a part of an introvert’s personality because they are keen observers and listeners. They can easily read between the lines of what people say and do because of that. Continue reading

Here are some things you may not know about introverts (unless you are one, of course!):

Super Creative

According to scientific tests, the percentage of introverts who are creative is much higher than with extroverts. One speculation for this is that it’s due to the inordinate amount of alone time introverts set aside, much of it for thinking of new ideas. Typically, one needs quiet time to encourage creative ideas to be formed.

Rarely Get Lonely or Bored

With all the alone time introvert schedule for brainstorming, they rarely find themselves bored. There’s always a new thing to try, a new plan to implement or a challenge to overcome. Their worlds are in their minds, so wherever they go, they rarely are lonely or bored. Continue reading