Healthy Immunity
Stress is a killer. We hear this all of the time and we know it to be true, yet we endure stress every day. It is a simple reality we will face stress and have to deal with it.
Perhaps it is in how we deal with stress, which makes it affect our bodies so violently. With this in mind, consider how stress may affect your immune system and what you can do about it. There are many ways to control stress in a healthy manner.
What we need to realize first and foremost is the fact of stress as poison. We naturally have stress responses in our bodies. This does not, by any means, indicate that we need to react to these responses as we are conditioned to. Continue reading
There has been a recent discovery out of the University of Virginia that may revolutionize the way we think of neuroimmunology. Neuroimmunology is the study of how the nervous system interacts with the immune system.
What they found was that there is a direct linkage between the immune system and the brain through the lymph vessels. In the past, it was believed that lymph vessels did not reach the brain.
Lymph vessels are similar to blood vessels except that, instead of carrying blood, lymph vessels carry lymph fluid, which is part of the immune system. Continue reading