Healthy Immunity

Many years ago, there was a story floating around about a woman who cured her cancer with laughter. She rented and watched funny movies and eventually her cancer was gone completely.

There is much to be said about a positive attitude and health, but is laughter so powerful to boost immunity to such a degree it could wipe out diseases?

True story or urban legend, there is actually a physical mechanism, which connects laughter to healthy immunity.

We have to emphasize the lymphatic system, our body’s way of cleansing out toxins and fighting diseases. We know about blood because, if we are injured, blood comes out. We feel our pulse. This is the way the body transports oxygen to organs and tissue so it will stay alive. Continue reading

Your immune system doesn’t run all by itself. It requires a concerted effort on your part to support it in whatever ways you can so that you can fight off the many pathogens you are exposed to each and every day.

Here are ten things you can do to enhance the function of your immune system so that it has the capabilities you need to fight off disease:

1 – Eat a healthy diet. This point cannot be underestimated. Diets that are high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains support the development of immune cells you need to fight off infection. Diets high in saturated fat do just the opposite. They trigger inflammation that puts you at risk for many different types of chronic diseases for which the immune system cannot help.

2 – Quit smoking. Smoking wreaks havoc on your immune system by flooding the body with scores of toxins that keep your immune system busy—too busy to fight off infections. Smoking affects the cilia in your bronchial tree that are important in sweeping out pathogens that can cause various types of lung infections. Continue reading