Healthy Immunity

The immune system is a complex body defense system that works night and day to protect you from pathogens that can cause you to become sick in a variety of ways. Let’s look at ten signs that your immunity is unhealthy and offer some solutions.

You Get Sick a Lot

You may experience frequent bouts of colds and just feeling lousy and rundown if your immune system is weak. This can occur from increased levels of stress, unhealthy diet, overwork, and not getting ample rest and relaxation time.

While not as serious as other immune system issue conditions, it is still a sign that you need to take better care of yourself by eating a healthy diet and reducing stress. Continue reading

There are 23 million US adults with autoimmune disease, many of whom wonder if there is something about their diet that can help control their conditions. Autoimmune disease is the second most common cause of chronic disease in adults. This means that about 5% of Americans have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.

Inflammation and Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune disease is all about inflammation. The body has an immune system that normally directs itself toward dangerous pathogens that affect the body. In autoimmune diseases, the immune system becomes confused and makes antibodies against the body’s own tissues. There are hundreds of autoimmune diseases that each have antibodies directed at different tissues of the body. Continue reading