Finding Your “Why”

When you get up in the morning you have a choice. You can look forward to the day ahead, or you can dread it. And, much of that choice depends on how much you like what you’re getting ready to do for the next 16 hours before it’s time to hit the hay again.

Of course we are not going to love everything we end up doing during the day (I don’t know many of us that look forward to cleaning the bathroom), but you should be able to find some things to look forward to.

And, the more of that you can work into your life, the more fulfilled and happy you will be.

Love What You Do for a Living

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You’ve found your “why” or purpose in life. First of all, congratulations. That’s a huge step and you’re already much further ahead on your path to a happy and fulfilled life than the majority of your peers.

Of course now the question is, “What do you do next?”. You know what your passion and purpose is, but how do you get to a point where that’s how you’re living your life?

Start by taking stock of where you’re at now. What do you like about your current life and how you’re earning a living? What don’t you like about it?

Examine how each part of your life aligns with your purpose. I’m sure there are some parts of what you’re already doing that work well with your big “why”. Continue reading