Finding Your “Why”

Your “Why” or Purpose Doesn’t Have to Be HugeOver the past few weeks we’ve talked a lot about finding your purpose or your “why”. One thing I haven’t really mentioned is the fact that your “why” doesn’t have to be something huge and important.

You don’t have to be the next Gandhi or Mother Teresa. You don’t need to find some huge, all-encompassing purpose that fills your life and changes the world.

Your purpose also doesn’t have to be something you do for a living. It certainly can be, but it doesn’t have to be.

Your reason “why” can be something simple, something you can do part-time or just as you move about your day. Continue reading

There are quite a few reasons to find your “why”, your reason for getting up in the morning and doing what you do. Finding your purpose can be a powerful thing and it goes well beyond the satisfaction of knowing you’re doing something worthwhile.

Let’s take a look at five different good reasons to spend the time to find your “why”:

1 – You’ll Feel Less Stressed

How much mental energy and worry do you spend trying to figure out what you should or could be doing each day? When your “why” is clear in your mind, you don’t have to worry about that any longer and feel less stressed. Continue reading