Finding Your “Why”

Stop Playing Around and Find Your True PurposeIt’s easy to stay in our comfort zone and do what we’ve always done, even when we know it isn’t making us happy. Finding your true purpose and then turning your entire life around can be a daunting experience. But it is also well worth it in the end.

Look, you have two choices here. You can continue to play around, living day by day, doing what you’ve always done up to this point. Or you can take a chance, dig deep and figure out what you’re really meant to be doing.

When you stop and take the time to figure out what your purpose is, and then built your life around it, something amazing happens. Instead of feeling like you are wasting your life, you realize that what you’re doing matters. You are making a difference and you have a positive influence on the people around you. Continue reading

You need to find your purpose, they say…

You need to follow your passion, they say…

You need to determine your “why”, they say …

But sometimes it isn’t all that easy. It’s not easy to figure out exactly what your “why” is. Sometimes we feel stuck and we’re not even sure what our purpose and passion are, let alone follow them.

And sometimes we know exactly what we would like to be doing, but circumstances don’t allow it. There are bills to be paid, a family to take care of, and that company-funded health insurance sure comes in handy with a couple of rambunctious toddlers in the house. Continue reading