According to GoodTherapy:

” To me, it means to be a good person and citizen, one who doesn’t lie, cheat, or steal. Having integrity means having a system of morals and ethics that I believe in and do my best to adhere to in all my dealings.

Integrity may not always come easily for any of us. Even the kindest and most loving among us can struggle to do the right thing at times. There sometimes seems to be a small tug of war happening in the event of a moral challenge or difficult situation, and the cartoon vision of an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other might come to mind.”

Vulnerability, honesty, and authenticity are frequently associated with integrity. It is built on the principles of respect and compassion, which help you retain your feeling of self-worth while also ensuring the success of your relationship.

Let’s think about what integrity implies in a marriage or other romantic partnership. It encompasses everything mentioned above and more. It entails prioritizing a partner’s pleasure alongside our own. Yes, we make good decisions for ourselves, but we also make good decisions for our relationship, which will benefit our lives and happiness as a pair.

When such choices improve the relationship, it may be necessary to make difficult and unselfish decisions. While you don’t have to agree with your partner all the time, you can still show compassion and openness toward them and learn to appreciate their differences.

Integrity means addressing important issues head-on and honestly. It means sometimes you need to compromise with your partner for the greater good.

A relationship lacking integrity might involve “keeping count,” criticizing, undervaluing the other’s needs, and bringing up old wounds. If this sounds like you, remember that you can still exhibit integrity if you are dedicated to fixing the situation with kindness, humor, and compassion.

Maintaining integrity in a relationship will help you build a foundation of trust, allowing you and your partner to feel valued and appreciated. This can improve relationship happiness and longevity, particularly if both individuals are committed to real growth.

These days we may not talk about integrity as much, but it is critical to the success of any relationship and a vital component of both parties’ satisfaction. When we do the morally right thing for ourselves, we are doing it for our families as well.