When was the last time you sat down and thought about what you have to be grateful for? Surprisingly it may have been awhile, but you are not alone. Gratefulness is often something that we take for granted, which is exactly why not many people pay attention to it.

Let’s change that today by sitting down for a few minutes and thinking about what we have to be grateful for. Here’s some ideas to get your juices flowing.

Health – are you in good shape, or are you dealing with a health issue?
Money – how are you finance wise, in good shape, or is this an area that requires improvement?
Family – do you still have all your loved ones around you?
Job – do you have a stable income?

These four items are often taken for granted. Your health is a great example of this. You may not think about your health until you start to have issues. How many people around you are dealing with pain issues, mobility problems, are overweight or are suffering with a major health complications. You should be grateful for the current state of your health, and you should be taking actions to maintain it.

Having your family around you can be a great source of comfort and enjoyment. Many families lose children at a young age, or a child loses a parent. If your family is intact this is another reason for being grateful.

When it comes to your job, you may not particularly like what you do, but your job provides you with an income which allows you to give your family food, shelter and warmth. In some countries these things are a daily struggle.

While you may not be rich, and who doesn’t wish for more money, you should be grateful for what you do have. If you are managing to pay your bills and mortgage on time, that’s great. As is feeding your children and putting clothes on their backs. Again, these are things that are almost impossible for some people to manage.

You don’t have to be totally satisfied with your life. But you should take the time to think about those things you do have, compared to those less fortunate. Then be grateful for what you have. Stop dwelling on the “what if’s” and the “don’t have’s” in life. Focus on your family and your health and the word grateful will take on a whole new aspect for you.