For most people, dealing with their reactions to how they feel can appear to be less work than dealing with the causative issue or issues. They find it easier to correct the way they display their emotions to the outer world than to spend time determining what might be causing the feelings they are not comfortable with.

This is especially so with hidden anger. Many people have been raised to perceive expressed anger as being socially inappropriate or unacceptable behavior. However, a great many have also not been taught, or taught themselves, how to resolve feelings of anger. Their only solution is to not express their anger. This can have detrimental outcomes on their physical and emotional well-being.

Let’s face it, nobody really wants to think there is something wrong and often we chalk it up to just being a bad day. Burying feelings can have a great influence on how our interactions go with others.

The whole “out of sight, out of mind” ideal could be one way of tricking yourself into believing there are no deeper issues. Others know there is something going on but utilize a “fake until you make it” attitude to get through their day.

There are consequences in pushing these feelings down or trying to mask the way you truly feel. You can compare it to a champagne bottle that has been shaken. All this energy is bottled up and the moment the cork is popped, BOOM! An explosion of mass proportions is let loose.

Let’s take a look at some of the signs that may help a person understand that there is something they should probably give attention to. Firstly, to prevent or repair the damage that repressed anger can cause, and also, to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

Physical & Mental Exhaustion

Usually, when something is going on within our mind and body that is not as it should be, the body creates alarms to warn us. Again, these can be ignored or suppressed, until we fail to recognize their importance. It is in our best interest to pay close attention to any signals our body tries to send us.

People who appear to sleep through the night might wake up feeling tired instead of being refreshed. If an individual does not work on fixing an internal problem, it could result in frightening dreams or jaw-clenching during sleep. Imagine going to work and feeling exhausted halfway through your day. Not only are you concentrating on the work at hand but also fighting to stay awake.

In turn, this could make someone more irritable than usual. If you are having a difficult time getting to sleep or remaining asleep throughout the night, it could be something other than the temperature of the room or the hardness of the pillow. It could be that the internal mechanism is running out of tune and we need to find out why.

Sarcasm as a Weapon

A change in someone’s demeanor is another sign that something may be going on. If you are typically cheerful and walk around the office with a bounce in your step, it could be an alarm if that suddenly changes. Don’t ignore it. People tend to lash out at others if something is not going as planned in their own world. We use this as a technique in dealing with difficulties in our own life.

Making fun of someone else’s situation is a common way we go about this. Engaging in sarcastic conversations about other people tricks yourself into believing things aren’t that bad for you. Crude jokes might become something of the norm if you are having a tough time with an issue. Anything to take the spotlight off what you are hiding. When sarcasm becomes a weapon, there’s probably some underlying anger that needs attention.

Loss of Joy in Everyday Life

When things that used to give you joy no longer spark your interest, you may want to dig deeper to find out why. Many times, people start to shy away from gatherings or activities they once enjoyed. It’s common to avoid situations where you might have to fake enthusiasm.

You may be aware there is an internal issue to deal with, but it is easier to keep to yourself and hide it from others. It could be as small as enjoying time with family. Often it is a loved one or friend who tends to point this out to you. You end up missing or seem disengaged during activities with people who share your normal excitement associated with the event.

Everyone has experienced anger to some degree or another. The main thing is to identify the issue at hand instead of pretending it doesn’t exist. It does nobody any good to hide the feeling within without seeking a solution. In the long run, it could cause more damage than good.