Gratitude is more than a feel-good emotion or state of mind. It is an attitude. When you develop an attitude of gratitude, it can change the way you perceive your life, treat other people, and face your problems. A grateful person takes note of the blessings they receive. It is a clear indication that you appreciate and value what you have. You can make your provisions grow, share blessings with others, and be kind and generous too.

It also brings a range of physical and emotional health benefits, such as reduced stress and anxiety and better sleep quality. You also become happier and more resilient. To benefit from the power of gratitude, you need to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Here are some ways to help you do that:

Make the Decision and Commit

The first step to developing an attitude of gratitude is to make the decision that you are going to and then commit. It is a simple way to set your mind and condition yourself for the new habit you want to establish. Choose to be thankful and appreciate things, even the smallest ones. It helps you get more insight into what matters to you and think about your purpose.

Surround Yourself with Grateful People

If you want to become more grateful, it helps to be surrounded by people who have the same mindset. Spend more time with grateful people. They are the ones who have a positive outlook on life, they don’t forget to thank you for anything you do for them, and they show kindness to everyone.

Optimism is contagious. When you focus on the positive things, it is easier to see the blessings that you have and feel that you are loved and appreciated.

If you spend time with negative people, it can be draining. You are more likely to become ungrateful too.

Pay It Forward

Grateful people always look for opportunities to give back. You can pay it forward and share the good things that you have. If you received kindness, you can do the same good deed for someone else. Help others the same way that you received help when you needed it.

Be Vocal About How You Appreciate Others

You can practice gratitude by yourself, but it is better to be vocal about how you appreciate others. Say thank you more often and tell your friends and family what they mean to you. If your spouse did something for you, even when it is routine, say thank you. Tell them you are glad they are there for you and express how their actions make you feel good.

You can also send gifts, cards, or small tokens of appreciation to them. Remember them on special occasions, such as their birthdays. From time to time, check in on them too. Call or text them to ask how they are doing and wish them well. Showing them that you care is another great way to express your gratitude.

Reflect, Meditate, or Pray

One of the best practices you can do daily is to reflect, meditate, or pray about the things you are grateful for. You can keep a gratitude journal, spend time meditating so you can focus on the present, or pray to give thanks.

Each day, think about one to three things (or more) that you are thankful for. Write them down and share why they matter to you. You can also think about someone in your life, what they have done for you, and why you value them. You might notice that you see events, materials, and people in your life in a new light.

Forgive Others

Forgiving is letting go of the negative feelings and emotions you have, which will free up your emotional bandwidth to focus on the good things. When you hold a grudge against someone who has wronged you, you are the only one who suffers. The other person might not even know how you feel.

So, even when you do not hear an apology, decide that you are going to forgive, let go, and move on.

Developing an attitude of gratitude does not happen overnight. It is not easy, especially if you are going through a major life crisis, such as losing a loved one, ending a long-time relationship, or failing at your job. Be kind and patient with yourself. Practice gratitude every day, and eventually, it will come more natural to give thanks for everything.