Introverts interact with people and their environments differently than extroverts do. Because their brains are hardwired differently, they don’t feel the same way about people and events, and their behavior demonstrates that. Here’s a list of ways that introverts interact differently with their environment than extroverts do.

Don’t Get “High” On Their Environment

Extroverts experience a release of dopamine, a feel-good hormone when they are in a crowd. They take on the energy that surrounds them and live it up. In other words, they get a “high” from it. Introverts, on the other hand, shut down and hide in a crowded environment.

Think Before They Speak

Introverts mull things over before deciding on a logical conclusion. While extroverts often think aloud, introverts engage in an internal dialogue before opening their mouths to speak. This fact has encouraged the belief that introverts are shy or antisocial because they don’t just jump right into a conversation as extroverts do.

Live Near the Exit

When they are in a crowd of people, introverts subconsciously head near the exit to stand. They always want to have a way out if the environment becomes too overstimulating. By standing near an exit, they can escape and take in some solitary time, if needed. This has earned them a reputation for being snobby or standoffish.

Screen Calls

Highly focused introverts are more likely to let their voicemail deal with an unexpected call than to answer it. They dislike being interrupted when they are focused on a task, so even if the call coming in is from a friend or family member, they will often call them back rather than risk breaking their concentration.

Prefer Texting or Emailing

Introverts love some of the newer technology available to them because it gives them a socially-acceptable way to avoid small talk. They much prefer to text or email others because the informal chit-chat is considered unnecessary when communicating in those ways. They can get straight to the point without coming off as rude.

Drawn to Solitary, Creative Work

Understandably, introverts lean towards careers that allow them to focus on detail-oriented tasks that are creative and can be easily done alone. Their mono-focus gives them the ability to perform detailed work and, being able to skip all the office chit-chat, reserves their energy so they can complete highly creative tasks.

Make Excellent Public Speakers

This may seem counter-intuitive based on what you know about introverts, but think about it. If they are on stage, you don’t have to mingle. Mingling means energy drain and small talk to the introvert, but when they are informing people of a topic they are interested in, they are enthusiastic and energetic.