If you want to make deeper connections, the body language you use is vitally important. We often don’t think about the signals we give off to others without even saying a word. However, did you know that your body language can either encourage someone to get to know you or put them off doing so?

“Actions speak louder than words” is not just a trite cliché. Studies show that we discern much more from non-verbal communication than from the words spoken.

Here is some useful information on the right body language to use in order to make deeper connections with the people that matter to you.

Utilize the Power Pose

The power pose is often used in the business world, but it can really help in your personal life, too.

Part of making deeper connections is being approachable. So, if you’re feeling vulnerable or self-conscious, you could end up giving off signals via your body language which tells people to leave you alone.

The power pose can help to generate instant confidence. A huge benefit of the power pose is that it can trick your brain into feeling more confident, and others naturally find us more attractive when we are confident.

The power pose basically involves standing tall and placing your hands on your hips. Do this for 30 seconds minimum to feel the effects. Obviously, you’ll want to do this pose before you enter a room or when you know people aren’t looking.

Remember to Smile

Smiling makes you much more approachable. When you smile, it unconsciously relaxes those around you, encouraging them to smile too. It makes you appear more open and friendly, increasing the chance people will open up to you.

Nobody wants to get closer to someone who never smiles. So, remember to smile and you’ll have a lot more success developing deeper connections.

Keep Your Head Up and Your Arms Unfolded

Two common body language mistakes you can make are to keep your head down and your arms folded. These are typically things we do subconsciously, and they are perceived by others as defensive posture. Rightly or wrongly, this can make you appear to be hiding something or afraid, neither of which is the message you want to portray.

Keeping your head up makes you appear more confident and approachable. Similarly, keeping the arms unfolded also makes you appear more open. This encourages open conversation.

Avoid Fidgeting

Like avoiding eye contact, fidgeting can also really distract from the conversation. Even if it’s purely done through nervousness or anxiety, it can give the impression that you aren’t interested in what the other person is saying. It also distracts them from what they were talking about, making it likely the conversation will end sooner than it would have naturally.

So, be aware when you start to tap your feet or play with your hands, for example. Make an effort to avoid fidgeting and focus fully on what the other person is saying. Like all of the tips mentioned above, this one may take some practice, but it will really help you to start developing deeper connections with others.

You’re not always going to have exciting and interesting conversations with other people. However, ensuring you utilize the right body language will increase your chances of making deeper connections. Apply the above suggestions the next time you engage in a conversation with someone and see how much difference it makes to the interaction.