Understanding the Definition of SpiritualFor some people, the definition of the word ‘spiritual’ means ‘having to do with the spirit within themselves.’ For others, it means a connection to a religious belief – such as attending church or taking part in some form of worship ceremony.

One of the best ways to understand what spiritual means is to understand that it can’t be physically defined. It’s simply something that you know in your innermost self. You can’t see it or touch it, but you can feel it with your emotions. You can feel it in the deep satisfaction and peace that it brings once you do experience it.

The meaning is vastly different for each person and can’t be pigeonholed into a box. What is spiritual for one person might not be spiritual for another. The word spiritual itself means having to do with the spirit.

Spiritual links can be made through the gathering of a group and sharing an emotional connection. Spirituality can be found through music – what leads your soul to find peace and refreshing calmness. Your consciousness can lead you to discern the level of spiritual searching that you have within. For some people, this is a larger part of their life than it is for others.

The definition of spiritual to one individual might mean feeding one homeless person while to another, it might mean making the world a better place through acts of involvement in global efforts like raising funds for third world countries.

It might involve going on humanitarian trips to third world countries. Those are large outer manifestations of having an awareness of the spirit within. Other people might not have a larger showing of spiritual self, but simply feel at rest deep within – as if there’s none of the pressure of feeling caught in a rat race to them.

To have a spiritual mindset means that you embrace something other than yourself in this universe. You trust in something other than yourself to feed your spiritual needs. We are all spiritual beings regardless of religious beliefs (or non-beliefs). We seek ways to restore and renew ourselves and we seek ways to get relief from the questions in life that seemingly have no answers.

We can get a concept – an outer picture of who we think we are. What others think of us only adds to that concept. Yet deep down at the point where our true self resides, we long to be better people than we are – we long for happiness, rest and to be at peace with one another and ourselves.

Being at peace with yourself is one of the greatest things you can ever do for your spirit. Whether you find that peace and inner joy through reconnecting with your spirit on a retreat or through religious beliefs or meditation, your life will grow to become more enriched than ever.