Life can be chaotic and unpredictable at times, and during these moments of uncertainty and anxiety, it can be difficult to remain calm. While it is a natural response to triggering situations and thoughts, being filled with worry and negative thoughts does not assist us in responding to conditions and can distract us from appropriately facing the problem at hand.

Having inner peace means that we are more in control of our emotions, worries, and anxieties. We don’t and won’t allow unfounded negative emotions to rob us of our happiness.

Constantly worrying and filling our minds with endless negativity robs us of the opportunity to achieve a sense of peace within. Our lives can become defined by our fears and anxiety and we don’t get to live the life we truly want.

This is why it is important to find ways to face difficult situations and remain in control of your emotions. There are ways in which you can calm your heart and mind amid problems and turmoil. Here’s how:

Take Deep Slow Breaths

Perhaps the easiest way to calm yourself is to take a deep breath. This is such a simple technique but is usually overlooked. It is a great way to help release tension. Have you ever seen a smoker get stressed and reach for a cigarette?

The first thing they do is inhale, which is a deep, slow breath. It’s this action that is providing them with stress relief, but unfortunately, they soon become addicted to the nicotine they are sucking in, instead of the fresh air.

Stress and anxiety can affect your breathing, making it rapid and shallow. This further activates the stress response in your system.

Taking slow, deep breaths causes your mind to suppress the part of your brain that is responsible for your fight-or-flight response. It also activates the side of your brain that is connected to rest and relaxation. As a result, you become calmer, making you more able to focus on the problem that needs to be resolved or a situation that needs to be addressed.

Fill Your Mind with Positive Thoughts

It is easy to get caught up in negative thoughts, especially when filled with anxiety and stress. Try to detach yourself from your negative thoughts and focus on thinking more rationally and positively. Sometimes your mind can trick you into thinking that a situation is graver than it really is.

One way to counter this is to start thinking rationally – focus on the facts rather than the what-ifs. Look at the positive side of the situation and try to see what you can learn from the experience.

Focus On The Present – Practice Mindfulness

Endlessly worrying about the past or the future can make you forget what is most important, and that is the present. The right now. One way to practice focusing on the present is to take the time to be aware of your current surroundings. Taking note of the things around you can help you shift your focus away from your negative thoughts and allow your mind to clear away the stress that blocks you from taking positive action.

You can even make it more stress-free for yourself by playing calming music, lighting a scented candle, or doing whatever it is that makes you relax. Don’t forget while you are practicing being in the moment to open a window or walk outside and take in deep, slow breaths!

Keeping a journal and writing in it every day can also help you process the emotions you may be currently feeling and provide an essential understanding of what triggers your negative emotions.

Keep Moving to Boost Your Mood

Exercising is a great way to boost your mood. Engaging in physical activities can help increase endorphins, which you may have heard of as being your happy hormones. Exercising can also regulate your breathing which helps you stay focused and calm.

Try exercising, regardless of your fitness level, to help you calm yourself. You can try different types of workout routines, however, yoga, for example, is one form of exercise that helps you practice mindfulness, which is another benefit. You can also just take a walk if you prefer. It’s easy to relax when you are surrounded by nature and soaking up the sunshine.

Exercise Patience and Silence Your Inner Critic

Most of the time we are our own worst critic. We often become impatient with ourselves. Healing your heart and mind may take time so you need to practice patience and self-compassion. If you find yourself worrying and stressing despite practicing mindfulness techniques, acknowledge that it is normal to feel these emotions and that finding inner peace may take some time. You can’t force it!

Give yourself time to achieve a sense of peace and allow yourself to heal from all negativity. Achieving inner peace requires self-mastery. The steps above are simple to do. However, you must make the effort to start practicing them. Keep in mind that problems and challenges are always going to be a part of life. Some situations are beyond our control and require a degree of acceptance.

What you can do is take control of your own emotions and help yourself feel calmer and more at peace, one step at a time.