Most of us search for ways to automate our work life but don’t do that for our personal lives. It makes sense because we all complain about how little free time we have due to the daily tasks that eat it up. It’s never been easier to automate your life—lots of companies are popping up to do the grunt work for us… all usually for an unbelievably small fee (again, no, really!) Here are some automation services you might not have thought of.


It’s not only hotshot CEO’s who have personal assistants now. Anyone can have one by turning over some of their monthly tasks to places like Fancy Hands. For a reasonable fee, they will complete tasks that you don’t have time for or just don’t want to do. They do things like schedule appointments, research product reviews, make online purchases and manage your calendar. Just text your request in and forget about it.


A popular new option for busy people is online grocery shopping. There are a lot of groceries doing this now, including Kroger, Safeway, and Walmart. You order exactly what you want online, and they collect everything together for you from their store. You go pick it up and pay. This can save you a couple of hours each week. And the fee for the service starts as low as $5 per shop.

Household Items

Amazon Subscribe and Save isn’t new, but a lot of folks have overlooked how automating their household and food items can save them… and not just in time. How often do you see a new product that you just have to try or purchase something you don’t really need because it’s on such an amazing sale? Yeah, we all do.

When you automate the household and food items that you always keep in the house, you save time shopping and money because you aren’t tempted to purchase unnecessary items. You save 15% when you Subscribe and Save because you buy in bulk. Plus, you get free shipping. Never again will you need to run out at 10 pm to buy toilet paper, toothpaste or diapers!


Running errands is a time-suck. Somehow it always takes longer than you image, plus you waste gas and have to fight traffic. Services like Task Rabbit are making running errands for yourself a thing of the past. Not only that, they can do all kinds of other stuff you never seem to get around to (probably because you don’t want to do it). They can put together furniture, pack up your stuff when you move, paint your kitchen and fix things around the house.