Wouldn’t it be nice if you could turn a switch and you’d be fully motivated to do whatever you’re setting out to get accomplished? While there isn’t an easy button, there is a simple little hack or strategy that works just as well. The secret is to figure out your “why”.

Pick something you would like to do, but you’re lacking motivation. Let’s say it’s heading out for a run every morning before work. You have the best intentions, but then the alarm goes off, it’s still dark outside and all that motivation is out the door instead of you.

This is when it’s time to dig deep. Why do you want to go jogging? Is it to clear your head and get ready for a busy day? Is it to stay in shape so you can have a full and active life for years and years to come? Is it to get healthy so you can be around for your loved ones? Or do you want to get in shape so you can play catch with your kids at the park.

Spend some time to find out what your why is. Once you have that figured out, it really is easy. You just need to constantly remind yourself of your reason why to stay motivated.

Stick a picture or a sticky note on your bathroom mirror to remind you first thing in the morning and last thing at night. If you’re lying in bed contemplating hitting the snooze button a few time instead of going for that run, have a little chat with yourself about your “why”.

Set those running shoes next to the front door before you go to bed and lay out your clothes the night before. Not only are they visual reminders, they also make it a little easier to jump up, get dressed, lace up the shoes and head out the door for that jog.

Here’s your assignment for the next few days:

Come up with one thing you want to motivate yourself to do or accomplish. Don’t make it a huge goal like losing 100lb or changing your career. Pick something you can get done in a few weeks. Going for a walk each day, losing 5 pounds or getting caught up on your email may be better goals for the purpose of this exercise.

Figure out why you want to reach this goal. Write it down. Tape it to your mirror, put a reminder on your desk. Make sure you’re constantly reminded about why you’re doing this. It’s a great way to get and stay motivated.