Contrary to what many people believe in, meditation is not praying. Praying is conversing with God and meditation is more on focusing on something to achieve a calm state of mind.

The latter is especially beneficial for people who have a hard time falling and staying asleep. How so?

For starters, regular meditation (even if it’s just 30 minutes per day) can convert poor-quality sleep into a deeper, more refreshing sleep. And, many people who meditate before going to sleep say that they always wake up feeling more energized.

Additionally, meditating before bedtime allows you to sleep through the night and spend longer time in REM sleep. This stage of sleep is crucial to the mental capacity of the brain. If you are REM sleep deprived, you will retain less information.

Meditation can also help those who are suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Several studies show that CFS patients have a deficiency of slow-wave sleep. By engaging in deep meditation, you are getting a heightened Theta and Delta activity in your brain. This activity is said to compensate for the lost time in the Delta state while you sleep.

Because of the inner tranquility and improved creativity that meditation provides, the frequency of vivid dreams will increase especially if you practice lucid dreaming.

Meditating before bed will definitely calm your nerves and help you overcome certain types of insomnia. You can try the 3 techniques below if you find yourself tossing and turning in bed at night:

  1. Breathe from your abdomen and focus on your breathing patterns. This technique sounds really simple but it works wonders for those who can’t get themselves to sleep. You can listen to soft music or nature sounds to create a more serene atmosphere.
  2. Another thing you can do to help you fall asleep is to look at or imagine vivid images that symbolize peace and stability. Clouds, mountains and the beach are very common choices for guided imagery. You can do this form of meditation alone or under the supervision of a specialist.
  3. Mindful meditation will also help you fall asleep. Start by looking at one thing at a time. The 3 aspects of this technique are body, breath and thoughts. Some people like to dedicate a small part or corner of their home where they can sit without distractions. If it helps, think about the issues that are bugging you then let them go. This is easier said than done but if you practice regularly, you’d be able to achieve your goals.