Trying to develop meaningful relationships with friends can be tough these days. Superficial, disconnected communication has become the norm in a society that encourages information exchange by short text messages. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible to develop deeper connections with those you care about.

You’ll typically find most people crave meaningful friendships. The trouble is, it can be difficult knowing how to make them, or to take them further.

If you’re wishing to make deeper connections with friends, below you’ll discover some ways that can help.

Be Prepared to Open Up

One of the key elements of a deeper friendship is being open with one another. You can’t just expect the other person to be open with you and not give the same degree of openness in return.

It’s impossible to maintain a deep connection with someone when you’re guarded. So, be willing to open up and talk about the things that are important to you. You don’t need to share all of your innermost secrets, but it is important to trust your friends enough to be open with them.

The more open you are, the deeper the connection you’ll make with friends.

Commit to Regular Communication

As you grow older, maintaining friendships can become more difficult. You have work and family life to juggle too, so it’s easy to let communication between friends slide.

If you want to benefit from deeper connections, you need to make the effort to stay in communication. If you’re connecting with the right friends, it won’t really feel like an effort either. It could be giving them a quick ring regularly. Making the time to meet up once a week (if distance makes this possible) and just maintaining communication will really help to keep your relationship strong.

Spend Quality Time Together

You’re going to want to spend quality time with the friends you’re hoping to develop a deeper connection to. One-on-one time allows you to create memories, get to know each other better, and enjoy each other’s company.

While it may be difficult, you’ll also want to focus on avoiding using your phone when you’re spending time together. It’s easy for notifications to become a distraction and prevent you from developing deeper connections.

Be Honest and Don’t Avoid Difficult Topics

Similar to the earlier point of being open, it’s also important to be honest and not avoid difficult topics. Friends aren’t just there through the good times. They are also there to support you through any difficulties you might face. So, if things aren’t going well, don’t hide it. Be honest about how things are going and how you feel.

The more honest you are, the more your friends will trust you. This will also encourage them to be more honest with you. No deep connection can occur without you being honest and talking about the things that really matter in your life.

There’s no doubt that it can take real effort to maintain deep friendships today. However, if you follow the suggestions above, you’ll be able to start developing much deeper connections. Remember, it’s mostly about being open and honest and spending quality time together.