Everyone has intuition, but not everyone listens to it. It’s usually because they don’t know how to tap into their instinct and recognize when it’s right to trust it. Some people have more highly developed intuition, while others only feel a slight inkling, so they’re not sure what to do with it.

When you learn to get in sync with your intuition, the better you’ll be at making decisions. Intuition can be a powerful guiding force in your life.

Practice Makes Perfect

Going all-in with your intuition takes time, and it’s not super easy. It may take years of practice until you are perfectly in tune with it, and it all starts with small steps. Here are some tips on how to listen to your intuition and follow what your instincts are telling you.

Use Your Common Sense

If you need to make a decision in an unfamiliar situation, you can use your common sense by increasing your knowledge first. Do your research or seek advice from experienced people before you let your intuition guide you. When you are more experienced or knowledgeable in something, your intuition works better for you.

Be More Conscious of the Signals Your Gut is Sending You

Following your instincts starts with a decision to do so. It’s a conscious and mindful effort. Throughout the day, try to notice how your body reacts to different situations and what signals your gut is sending you. Feel your body and let it guide you, rather than listen to what your brain or logic is trying to tell you.

Step Away and Breathe

To follow your instincts, you may need to step away from the situation and allow yourself time to breathe. Take a long walk, sit in silence, meditate, and be with nature. These things will help you calm down and allow your mind to engage in free association so you can listen to your inner voice.

Recognize Your Feelings

Don’t ignore your feelings. If it’s your intuition talking to you, you will have a feeling that is hard to explain. Recognize these feelings and don’t push them away just because you don’t have a solid explanation, or there seems to be an easier option. When something feels unsettling, be honest with yourself and let your gut guide you.

Let Your Thoughts and Feelings Flow

If you are unsure whether to listen to your gut or not, grab a pen and paper and write down your thoughts. Write what you feel. Reflect on your thoughts. Let the words flow without caring whether someone might read what you write. Firstly, don’t care what they say if they do read your thoughts, plus, who is to say you are right or wrong?

Follow Your Instincts in Familiar Situations

Intuition is based on your experiences, and your subconscious is great at keeping tabs on them even when you don’t consciously know about them or remember them. When you are in a familiar situation, try to listen to your gut feelings. If you have been in a similar situation before, your intuition can easily kick in and guide you on what you should do.

Recognize the Patterns in Your Life

Are there similar opportunities that keep knocking on your door? Perhaps you’ve decided to ignore them in the past, and here they are again… knock, knock, knock. There may be opportunities presented in front of you, that you have ignored in the past, but now you should take a leap! Perhaps it’s time to recognize the patterns and listen to your gut.

Pay Attention to Physical Symptoms

When your gut is trying to tell you something, you will feel physical symptoms. It can be a sinking feeling in your stomach, or butterflies in your tummy. You might be sweating or nervously excited. Tune into your body, reflect on your feelings, and follow your intuition.

Your intuition can be a great compass that guides you throughout your life. When you pay attention to how your body reacts to certain situations, when you increase your knowledge and expertise at something, and when you learn to recognize the patterns, you learn to tune into your mind and body.

The more you practice listening to your gut, the more you learn when and when not, to trust it. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes or failing. They are part of the learning process that can strengthen your intuition and make it more accurate.