Nature is so incredibly important to us that without it we start feeling the effects very quickly. We become more stressed, and even our health begins to suffer. But when you live in a large city, it becomes not only challenging but even impossible to get back to nature.

Or is it?

City living only means that you need to be a little more creative in your approach. Below are some quick tips on how to get back to nature, when it feels like nature is miles and miles away.

1 – Find a Local Green Space

You’ll find that cities are full of opportunities to surround yourself by flora and fauna. Chances are, regardless of where you live, there’s a park nearby. But also keep in mind arboretums, botanical gardens, zoos, and nature centers for a variety of opportunities that will expose you to greenery.

2 – Grow Something

While you might not have the acreage for a full-blown garden, many cities have community gardens where you have the freedom to grow plants with your neighbors for the cost of helping out. Other ideas? What about a rooftop garden? Or a collection of pots of herbs on your windowsill? There’re many ways to enjoy plants on a personal level in the city.

3 – Volunteer with a Conservation Organization

These groups exist to protect the green spaces in the city. By getting involved, you protect the ability of the community as a whole to enjoy nature.

4 – Become an Observer of Nature

Even in the city, you’ll find a variety of birds to observe and enjoy. Creating a nature journal allows you to document your sightings of wildlife and interesting plants and trees that you encounter on your explorations.

5 – Forget the Gym

Exercising outdoors gives you a chance to enjoy the sun and fresh air in a way that also benefits your entire body. Take up walking, or even jogging. Or find a way to do your workout in your local park.

6 – Try Something Artistic

Cities have a range of different classes where you can learn new craft types that use natural materials. Try basket weaving or working with clay. Create a grapevine wreath or explore natural fibers. There’re many ways to get involved in natural arts.

As you can see, the only thing limiting you in getting back to nature in an urban environment is your imagination. Being a little proactive and willing to try new things both will keep you well grounded in nature, even when you live in a jungle made of concrete.