You know what it’s like to run low on hope and feel like things will never get better. Luckily, you were able to pull through and get your life back on track. Now that you’ve learned how to embrace hope in your life, it’s time to give back to the community and help someone in need. Let’s talk about a few ways that you can do that today.

Volunteer at the Local Food Pantry

According to Feeding America, nearly 47 million Americans visited a food bank back in 2014. About half of all food banks in America are run strictly by volunteers and they’re always looking for extra hands to help out. By volunteering at a food bank, you can help to personally tackle the growing rates of food insecurity in America.

That includes hand-delivering food to vulnerable populations, raising awareness for the food bank and securing food donations, and providing people with hope knowing their children will have a warm meal to eat for dinner.

Donate Blood to the American Red Cross

According to the American Red Cross, a single blood donation has the potential to save three lives. Unfortunately, blood banks are currently struggling to maintain their blood supplies. That means people suffering from anemia, traumatic injuries, cancer, and blood disorders might be unable to receive the treatments they so desperately need.

Organizations like the Red Cross depend on the public to maintain the blood supply. Setting aside an hour of your time once (or once every three months) to donate blood can literally be life saving and provide hope.

Donate Used Clothing to Veterans

According to the Department of Veteran Affairs, the poverty rate among American veterans has been on the rise in recent years. Among U.S. veterans aged 35 to 54, about 33.8% are both beneath the poverty line and suffering from some form of disability.

The veterans that fought to defend your country from danger are now in need of basic supplies, particularly clothing. Many organizations, such as Pickup Please, allow you to schedule a pickup to donate your used clothing (in good condition) to veterans who are struggling financially and physically.

Donate to Children’s Hospitals

According to the Coalition Against Childhood Cancer, it’ll cost parents an average of $833,000 in medical costs and lost wages due to childhood cancer. Many parents are forced to quit their jobs to get their child the necessary treatment for cancer, though the general cost greatly exceeds their financial means.

Children’s hospitals like St. Jude’s provide these services to sick children at absolutely no cost so that parents can focus on their child’s health. Since these hospitals are run entirely on donations, any money you donate will be appreciated by all.

Volunteer to Help an Elderly or Sick Neighbor

You’re thankful to be financially stable, physically healthy, and able to take care of your family’s needs. Unfortunately, many Americans are too sick or old to care for themselves or do daily tasks without assistance. If you notice that your neighbor or a family friend is struggling, it’s a great idea to volunteer to help.

Anything you provide will be appreciated, whether you’re picking up groceries, mowing the lawn, or simply sitting down and having a conversation. You don’t have to spend any money and you’ll feel good knowing you helped someone you care about.

Final Thoughts

When you’re in a position where you’re high on hope, why not help others feel the same way? By volunteering your time or donating goods/money, you can improve somebody else’s outlook on life and their current situation. Not only will this help to provide hope to those who need it most, but it’ll also make you feel good about yourself.