It’s natural for people to have days when they don’t feel like they could accomplish anything correctly. However, constantly feeling uncomfortable about oneself can negatively affect every part of your life, from your physical and mental health to how well you function at work.

While there are several ways to overcome insecurity, most people get lost in the thousands of pages of lengthy advice while neglecting the simplest and most effective way of eliminating insecurity; spending time with people who love you.

This article shall discuss how spending time with your loved ones and families helps curb and eliminate insecurity.

Loneliness and Insecurity are Associated

This article shall begin with scientific proof that loneliness is linked to insecurities, just in case anyone was in doubt about how exactly spending time with people who love you can help eliminate insecurities.

In 2019, Dr. Stuart Lustig, Cigna’s National Medical Executive for Behavioral Health, after a study emphasized the significance of making time for family and friends, mainly because loneliness and insecurity were adversely associated with self-reported health and well-being (Social Network Structure Is Predictive Of Health And Wellness, Suwen Lin, et al.).

Finding companions for pleasurable activities like exercising, volunteering, or sharing a meal may be the best and easiest way to revive a dormant social life, he adds.

Humans are Social Beings

According to a study by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and countless other scientific studies, humans are a sociable species that are designed to spend their lives in the company of other humans. By design, humans are inherently social. We are not unique in this way as it is hard to find any animal for whom the regulation of social behavior is not essential.

According to the Mayo Clinic Psychologist Dr. Craig Sawchuk, hanging out with family and friends is not only fun; research has shown that it has numerous benefits and positively impacts our physical and mental health. Simply put, socializing is key to being healthy.

Now, when people think of enhancing their health, they typically follow the path below:

  • Eat a healthier diet.
  • Start a new fitness routine.
  • Get more sleep.
  • Drink more water.

While each of these habits is essential, they all focus on physical well-being—and a burgeoning body of research has proven that social well-being is just as crucial, if not more, than physical well-being.

Social Support from Loved Ones Improves Mental Health

A 2019 study published in the European Public Library of Science- PLOS  discovered that a person’s social circle strength—as evaluated by inbound and outbound cell phone activity—”was a key determinant of self-reported anxiety, contentment, and well-being levels than fitness tracker info on physical exercise, heart rate, and sleep.”

Whether it comes from friends, family members, or a spouse, social support has continuously been linked to improved mental and physical health in various scientific studies.

Having a healthy social life may reduce stress, eliminate insecurity, encourage beneficial health habits while discouraging harmful ones, improve cardiovascular health, increase disease recovery rates, and help almost everything.

Social Networks at Work Matter

Broad and significant social networks — friendships, workplace connections, and so on — might assist in mitigating insecurity and its harmful consequences. Based on a WebMD study, “there’s an inverse correlation between healthy social networks and insecure attachment styles.”

Having a wide circle of friends and many close connections allows you to develop the tools and confidence to engage in deeper adult relationships. Developing strong connections inside and outside of the office has also been an effective coping technique for preventing job instability, melancholy, and overall anxiety.

People who isolate themselves from coworkers due to job uncertainty are more likely to suffer from mental illness and hence insecurities.

Spending Time with Loved Ones Build Self Confidence

According to a study conducted by the Iranian Journal Of Nursing and Midwifery Research, children who spend quality time with their loved ones have higher self-esteem. They are more social because they believe their parents appreciate them. Also, children with a high level of self-esteem have an easier time forming connections and building relationships, which helps curb insecurities.

Spending time with family instills confidence in all of them. Parents may help their children develop self-esteem by teaching them problem-solving and communication skills.

They may also serve as role models for loving oneself without demeaning others. The awareness that they are respected and appreciated by their loved ones instills confidence in both parents and children.

Insecurity affects everyone at some point, and it can significantly influence people’s daily lives if left unchecked. Developing confidence isn’t always simple, and it takes time, but it’s well worth the effort considering the benefits. Spending time with your loved ones doesn’t only help eliminate insecurities; it has numerous other benefits that ensure you live a long and happy life.