Stopping Worry

Everyone who visits a therapist has worries or fear that they can’t deal with for some reason. Perhaps they have trouble functioning because their worries keeps them stuck in a “what if” time warp.

Most of us want better lives and to live a worry-free life, but that may mean that we fear moving out from out comfort zone and embracing the unknown.

After leaving a bad relationship, you may be worried about getting into another one because you fear it may also be toxic. That fear can paralyze you to feeling emotions and taking the steps to nurture another love interest.

Worry may also keep you from progressing in your career or job. Fear of failure is the most common reason that people become stuck in a boring or unfulfilling job, relationship or other situation. Continue reading

Since there’s no logic to worrying, it sometimes strikes us when we least expect it. You could be having a perfectly wonderful day and a nagging little thought can bring you down to tears and anxiety. Your positive attitude is ruined and you have to struggle to focus on what you’re doing or involved in once again.

Worry destroys the joys you may be experiencing and can cause suffering and fear that isn’t necessary. There’s no reason to feel shut off from life. Worry is deceptive, getting you to live in a future of doom when you could be enjoying life.

Although it’s difficult to maintain or return to a positive attitude when worry brings you down, it’s possible. You’ve heard the old adage, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade…”? That’s what it means to take worry and turn it around to build something positive in your life. Continue reading