Self Reflection

Self-reflection is the emotional skill of thinking about yourself. Many people think about themselves in terms of their image. Other people think about themselves in terms of what they want or need. Other people ponder about themselves when they do something wrong.

All of these are parts of healthy self-reflection. Most people get it wrong by only focusing on one of these aspects. That can lead you to focus on things that aren’t important or convince yourself of things that aren’t true. Fortunately, there are a couple of things that you can do to practice healthy self-reflection.

Mindfulness Meditation

An excellent way to practice self-reflection is through mindfulness meditation. An essential part of mindfulness is about paying attention to your thoughts. It’s related to self-reflection but not exactly the same. Self-reflection is more holistic, and mindfulness is a tool to use to achieve it. Continue reading

In the world of wellness, there are many terms that sound very similar but that have subtle yet significant differences. For example, is self-reflection the same as self-awareness? The answer is, they are certainly similar, however, one is a state of being aware, the other is looking inside yourself, through self-reflection.

Therefore, self-reflection and self-awareness are very closely related and are certainly very similar, but they aren’t exactly the same.

Simplistically, if you think you know who you are, behaviorally and emotionally, you’re exhibiting self-awareness. If you can look at yourself, your behaviors and your actions, you are exhibiting self-reflection.

To understand how they are different, a greater understanding of each may be necessary to establish first. Continue reading