Self Help Life Hacks

Think about the various people in your life. Who strikes you as the most open-minded? I find that more often than not it’s children. Kids are the most open-minded beings. That’s because they are constantly learning and constantly have new ideas thrown at them.

Here’s a simple hack you can do to stay just as open-minded as a kid. Emulate them and never stop learning. That’s easily said, but how do you actually put in into action?

There are plenty of opportunities to learn new things all around you. You can start by reading some books or watching documentaries on topics that interest you. If you have a community college or even university in your area, check into their continued learning programs. You might find some great classes to check out.

If you enjoy listening to audiobooks, look into sites like Not only do they have plenty of fiction and nonfiction audio books, they also have “Great Courses” which are series of University lectures that have been recorded. Continue reading

Discipline is something we are taught from an early age, but as we start to grow up, we we tend to fight it and eventually become pretty lax about it. Then something interesting happens. We start to realize that there are a lot of benefits to being more disciplined. The main one is that you just plain get more stuff done. You also get it done in a lot less time, leaving you more hours in your day to play.

How do you become more disciplined? Try this simple lifestyle hack and see if it works for you.

Make a Deal With Yourself

Start by making a deal with yourself. Pick a project. This could be that home improvement project you’ve been thinking about for weeks, or something you really should be wrapping up at work. Pick something you’ve been putting off for a little while. It’ll be good practice to be more disciplined.

Then make a deal with yourself. Promise yourself you will get it done by a certain date. Setting a time limit is important. Otherwise you keep pushing it further and further back each day you don’t want to do anything. Continue reading