Sedentary Lifestyle

You know exercise is important, but do you feel like it’s a drag? Do you feel like you are having to make a huge commitment that will take up your valuable time when you could be doing something else… which is more fun for you? If so, that shouldn’t be how you are thinking. You should not think of exercise as a mandatory commitment, but as a wise and healthy choice.

You also need to stop thinking there’s a minimum requirement you have to meet. Instead, think of exercise as something fun to do, and know that you have the freedom to choose how you move your body.

Start Moving & Reap the Following Benefits

Exercise is simply moving your body every day. It has huge benefits to your body literally from head to toe. If you’re looking for a bit more motivation to start exercising, here are some of the benefits of moving your body every day: Continue reading

Do you feel like you have been resting pretty much most of the time, because you have been either sitting idle, lying on your bed, or watching movies on the couch, yet you still feel tired? If you do, why is that so?

Well, perhaps it’s because what you’ve been doing hasn’t been resting at all. It’s just you have been sedentary, and sedentary behavior causes loss of energy and ensuing fatigue.

Experts recommend getting at least 150 minutes of exercise each week. Studies have shown that those who meet this requirement have lower levels of fatigue than those who are sedentary.

Why You Feel You Have No Energy

Let’s find out how sedentary behaviors lead to fatigue and low energy. Continue reading