Sedentary Lifestyle

If you haven’t heard about the negative impacts of leading a sedentary lifestyle, you’re probably one of the few who haven’t. If you don’t know, being inactive causes many serious health issues, including one obvious one, and that is obesity.

Unfortunately, many of us have no choice but to do work that requires us to sit the majority of the time. That makes us prone to weight gain and the inevitable, a bulging belly.

How to Lose Weight if Sedentary

Perhaps you feel it is impossible to lose weight while you sit all day. Well, you may be happy to know you can lose weight if you are sedentary, and here’s how: Continue reading

As you get older, you may find it harder to move around physically. Your knees may begin to ache, your back might feel stiffer, and you may feel unsteady on your feet and worry you might fall.

The pain and worry this brings can lead to an even more sedentary lifestyle. However, this self-preservation may only make the problems experienced now worsen over time.

You need to stay physically active no matter your age. If you’re feeling increased discomfort or pain because you’re aging, it’s all the more important to get moving, stretch your joints, and improve your balance.

Exercises and Stretching You Can Do At Home

Understandably, it can be difficult to exercise work when you’re already feeling muscle weakness, but don’t despair! If you have been a sedentary senior and want to get moving again, here’s a roundup of exercises you can do in the comfort of your living room. Continue reading