
Back pain is experienced by eight out of ten people in their lifetime. For many of these, back pain is chronic and causes incredible discomfort day in and day out. For those people looking for natural relief, reflexology can be helpful. It is a non-invasive treatment choice that could prevent you from needing to have surgery. Reflexology has several techniques for treating back pain.

Foot Reflexology Techniques for Back Pain

Here are a few techniques that may be used in helping to ease discomfort and pain. You may even like to try yourself. Before you begin, you need to become better acquainted with the pressure points on the feet or hands. Take the time to read a reflexology chart, or better still, keep one handy so you can more easily find the specific points while you perform the following techniques: Continue reading

Despite the emergence of many different ‘alternative’ treatments, the practice of reflexology continues to be popular. The obvious reason for this is the benefits that many people gain. Those who have tried reflexology attest to the fact that the positive impact on their health is worth this therapy being added, or at least considered, to any treatment program.

Difference Between Foot Reflexology and a Foot Massage

Many people believe that foot reflexology must be the same as having a foot massage. However, they are totally different. A foot massage involves manipulating large areas of soft tissue across the feet, and a massage therapist will move the myofascial tissue that holds the muscles in place. A reflexologist will work on the pressure points of the foot, whereas massage doesn’t. Continue reading