Practicing Patience

There’s one in every office, every family and every group you’ve ever been a part of. A person who makes your teeth itch and your blood boil. They seem to have the inside scoop on what pushes your buttons and how to get under your skin.

So, how do we deal with these people who frustrate us and make us impatient? Try these during your next work meeting, family reunion or carpool.

We All Have Different Priorities

What you think is a priority to accomplish isn’t necessarily everyone else’s. This little recognized fact has been the cause of many spousal disagreements and work resignations.

Keep this fact in mind when it seems someone is resisting taking action that you believe is important. They might not be trying to drive you nuts; they might just have a different priority than yours. Continue reading

Since most of us are at work more than we are at home, it just makes sense that we need to be aware of how we can practice patience at work. Just like at home, we have to accommodate other people’s unique differences, natural pace and habits. The big difference is, we don’t love the people at work – we didn’t chose to include them in our lives…they were put there by someone else.

But even if we move from job to job looking for the perfect environment for us to be able to work at our best, it will never happen. It’s the same at every job. We are the common denominator, and it’s up to us to develop and practice patience at work to keep our lives happier and more peaceful.

Don’t Procrastinate

When we dislike a part of our job, we typically put it off for as long as possible. But don’t we usually regret that? Continue reading