Practicing Patience

If we were more patient with ourselves, the world would be a much happier, healthier place to live. We work so hard at getting where we want to go that we forget to enjoy the journey.

We should be patient with ourselves in all situations, but there are some that require even more patience than others.

And of course, they seem to be the situations that cause us to be the most impatient with ourselves. Here’s a short list of times when it’s important to be extra patient with yourself.

Learning a New Skill

Yes, maybe it only took your best friend a weekend to learn to ski, but not everyone is the same. I bet there are things that you learned faster than he did, but we often forget that part of the equation. Continue reading

Impatience is defined as being unwilling to wait; intolerance with anything that causes delay or hinders desired results. Although we usually blame external forces for causing our impatience, we have to take responsibility for creating it ourselves.

Yes, the world we live in does bow down to the god of fast everything, but that doesn’t mean we have to do it too. We create and cultivate a great deal of our impatience from within ourselves. These are just a few ways we do that on a daily basis.

When We Compare Ourselves to Others

When we compare ourselves to others, we highlight our faults and don’t appreciate how far we’ve come.

Maybe we still don’t have the degree we’ve been working towards when everyone else our age we know is already well established in their careers. Continue reading