Positive Thinking

Mindfulness meditation is a simple form of meditation based on the Buddhist Vipassana meditation method. This form of meditation may also be referred to as Insight Meditation, to see things as they really are.

During the meditation, the meditater sits in observance of all things, their surroundings, their breath, and their thoughts without judgement, exercising compassion, patience, and acceptance for all things.

While it has Buddhist roots, the practice evolved based on research regarding the mind-body connection’s influence on good health. This meditation method does not have religious or philosophical dogmas attached to it. Continue reading

How Positive Affirmations can Improve Your Life and WellbeingThe dictionary defines affirmations as, “statements, which affirm something to be true.” In simple terms, positive affirmations are positive phrases, which you repeat to yourself and which describe how you want to be.

The theory of this practice dictates that when you repeat affirmations as if they were already a reality (when they are not) the message seeps deep into the subconscious mind, so you really start to believe them, and eventually they will become your reality. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

At first, you should state the phrase(s) intentionally, to counter any negative thoughts that creep into your mind. Over time, the phrases should occur naturally, without you having to intentionally think about them.

At this point, the phrases become part of your subconscious, part of your very mentality, which has a tremendous effect on your life and wellbeing. Continue reading