Personal Spirituality

With our lives so busy, it’s not always easy to make time for the important things in our lives. Job, family, and social obligation all eat away at our available time. As a result, we find ourselves making decisions about how we spend our time that isn’t always good for us.

The problem is, it’s hard to prioritize when there’s so much pulling at your attention. How do you know what’s truly important?

Oddly enough, the one thing you need most to help guide your steps in the rest of your life is the one most frequently neglected: Your personal spirituality.

The exploration of your inner self is what should be your guiding star. Spirituality gives you peace and purpose, drive, and direction. Without it, you’re just wandering in circles, trying to make the best of a life without true direction. Continue reading

Spirituality is not a static thing. We tend to think that because we’re doing the same things, practicing personal spirituality daily, our inner lives will reflect back growth and maturity consistently. The truth of the matter is, spirituality doesn’t work this way. We’re constantly changing as we grow and adapt to life situations around us. So it should make sense, what worked before, doesn’t necessarily work for you in the life you’re living now.

In short, your spirituality might sometimes flag, even though you’re still practicing your faith exactly as you always have. How do you strengthen your spirituality in those moments?

Drop the Façade

When you’re living two lives, one involving a self you show to the public and the other, private version of yourself, you suppress your spirit and hurt your soul. How do you become more authentic? You start by becoming more accepting of yourself. Continue reading