
A basic tenet of the condition is that individuals with narcissistic personality disorder see nothing wrong with their behavior. Therefore, they can’t see that they might need to change or fix something, because there is nothing broken to fix. Their firm conviction makes even the tiniest bit of change impossible.

The people who are close to, and affected by a narcissist think otherwise. They see a need for change but wonder how they can help a narcissist change their behaviors and beliefs.

Changing a Narcissist is Only Possible with Their Permission

The key to making a narcissist change is only through themselves. They have to be troubled by their own condition or find great discomfort in being a narcissist, to be completely committed to making a change. But honestly, this is quite rare. It almost always only comes about through threat or risk of loss, such as a loved-one withdrawing from them. It is rarely from self-recognition. Continue reading

A narcissist is a person with an inflated sense of self-importance and excessive admiration for oneself, and many are pathological liars. Narcissism or a Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental condition where people are known to possess abnormally high levels of self-importance, exaggeration, lack of empathy, arrogance, and envy, among other generally undesirable traits.

Their condition is characterized by a deep need for admiration and the creation of a false sense of identity, enabling the narcissist to comfortably hide behind a mask of overflowing confidence. Narcissists often appear to be strong, successful, confident, and charming. To them, image is everything.

Their deep need to feel superior against others is what motivates them to look better no matter what it takes. To appear to be the person they want you to perceive them to be, they will lie constantly and effortlessly. Continue reading