
Narcissistic abuse is a form of emotional abuse projected by a narcissist to their victim, which induces a soul-crushing trauma that takes time to heal. A victim is incompletely aware of it until they’re in the process of healing from narcissistic abuse trauma, but narcissistic abuse takes so much from a person.

It affects their time, attention, values, and even identity. This form of abuse can emotionally drain the victim completely and to the benefit of the perpetrator (the narcissist).

Evan Stark, an award-winning researcher and author of the book, “Coercive Control,” first coined the term “perspecticide” which refers to the incapacity of the abused individual to know what they know, or not, as a result of the abuse. Continue reading

Jealousy is a common theme amongst narcissists. But it is interesting to note that this is only a means to an end brought by their great need to be the best, to gain control, and to feel more powerful against anyone.

A narcissist is a person with an obsessive adoration for themselves. It is simplistic to say that they are in love with themselves to a fault. The reality is that they place their demands, desires, wants and feelings above those of others to an extreme degree. Anyone else’s feelings are secondary to their own, often to the point of irrelevance.

This is brought about by their inflated sense of self-importance and incomprehensible need to be admired and be put on a pedestal. Because of this, you will rarely find a narcissist who doesn’t have a troubled relationship, although they themselves may be in denial that there is even a problem. In their eyes, if there is, it is certainly not their fault. They will most certainly be disapproving and disparaging of many people around them. Continue reading