
Mindfulness is a tool that can be used for a few things. For starters, it can be used as a great form of meditation that gives us a break from all the chatter and noise of our daily lives. At the same time, it can also be used as a great way to become more in-tune with our own thoughts and feelings.

If you’re interested in giving this a go though, then it might seem a little daunting. The prospect of mindfulness is one that many people find off putting, as meditation is very often thought to be necessary linked with mysticism or with religion. Likewise, many people quickly become frustrated when they don’t see immediate results.

Read on then and we’ll look at how to start your first mindfulness session with the best chances of success. Continue reading

Mantras are a way that people can meditate by using sound. The sound helps the person to focus or to be fully aware of the present. What the sound is can vary. For some people, they simply use a sound such as “om.”

Others will use a word or phrase. Whatever it is that’s used is the key that the person uses to associate with clarity and perspective. Mantra meditation can help to achieve mindfulness, which will help the user to become self aware, to find self compassion and to calm stress.

Mindfulness achieved through mantra meditation can help bring peace to a mind that’s always racing with various thoughts. This mindfulness through mantra meditation can also help calm emotions such as anger, fear or sadness. Continue reading