Limitless Energy

Are you starting to feel sluggish? Perhaps it’s getting to be 4pm and you’re starting to feel your body slow down. Or maybe you’ve just woken up and you’re struggling to overcome that sleep inertia?

What then can you do to wake yourself up and to feel much more invigorated… right now?

Here are a few tricks you can use to instantly give yourself more energy:

Splash Some Cold Water

Splashing some cold water on your face can instantly give you an energy boost for a number of reasons. One benefit of doing this is that it encourages blood flow to your face and thus your brain, giving you a little more fuel for thinking and staying awake. Continue reading

Plug Energy Drains with VitaminsAre you losing energy fast? Like a sinking ship, this can often be caused by ‘leaks’ and drains.

In the case of a ship these are physical holes in the body of the boat which you need to plug with some kind of bung.

In the case of your body and energy, the drains are the things you’re forgetting – the aspects of your lifestyle that you haven’t yet honed and perfected.

And often the best way of plugging these holes is to change some aspect of your lifestyle, of your behavior, or of your diet.

A great place to start? Getting more vitamins. Continue reading