Lifelong Learning

It’s hard to believe, but some people have never set foot in their neighborhood library. Or, the last time they visited was on a field trip in second grade.

Or, perhaps you took your child when they were little instead of spending a ton of money on buying books.

But, if you are interested in lifelong learning, there are few places better to start!

Book Clubs

Typically, libraries will have a couple of book clubs you can join in on any time. They are a fantastic place to meet new people and have intellectually-stimulating conversations. Continue reading

Do It for Fun

Since lifelong learning isn’t graded or scored, there’s no need to make it hard or boring. You can chose whatever piques your fancy right now and learn about it or learn how to do it.

It’s not like in school when you had to learn what others told you to learn. So be creative. Go outside your comfort zone.

If you are worried you won’t be good at the new skill you are attempting, don’t tell anyone you are trying it. Then surprise them with a new beautiful scarf after you learn to knit, for example. Continue reading