Lifelong Learning

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it’s a darn good thing for humans to have. Being curious keeps us engaged in life and keeps us happier and more fulfilled. It’s also a key component in lifelong learning. Natural curiosity is a trait that should be encouraged, and if you feel you have lost yours over the years, it can be rekindled!

Here are some ways to cultivate your curiosity which will lead to a love of learning new things for the rest of your life:

Ask Questions

The older we get, the more we think we should have all the answers. But thinking this way keeps us from learning new things and new ways of doing things. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t worry if you think they might be basic. Everyone has to start somewhere. Continue reading

Lifelong learning doesn’t have to mean taking classes on a topic. It can be much more hands on than that, if you want. There are all kinds of ways to learn new things. This is just a short list of ways you can learn for fun.

Fix Your Own Stuff

When easy repairs are needed at your home, learn how to fix them yourself instead of hiring someone to do it. Learn to change your oil and spark plugs, fix the block in the kitchen sink, get your lawn mower running better.

All of these things are doable for most of us…we just haven’t learned how to do them yet. Plus, you will save yourself some money! Continue reading