
Introverts are finally being more accepted in our social world. Enjoying staying in on a Saturday night because that’s how you unwind from a hectic week is embracing your introverted nature. But what if you don’t go out because of fear and worry? Maybe that you’ll do or say something wrong or that people will think you are lame?

Those kinds of issues signal an issue with social anxiety rather than plain old introversion. While it’s true you can be both an introvert and someone who has social anxiety, it’s easier to discuss the differences by separating. You may have a problem with social anxiety if you experience some of the following traits.

Believing Something is Wrong with You

If you decide to skip every party or social event you are invited to because you feel like you are different from everyone else or won’t fit in, you may have social anxiety. Introverts chose to stay home instead of attending some functions, not out of fear, but because they enjoy being home alone. Continue reading

Our world is naturally extrovert-centric, and up until very recently, introverts got a bad rap. Naturally, introverts often feel the need to pretend to be extroverted more than they really are so they aren’t ridiculed for being a party-pooper. But after a while, you may have forgotten who you truly are. Here’s a list of behaviors that prove you are a closet introvert.

1 – You feel like a fraud when networking – Introverts hate small talk, which is a vital part of networking activities. If you feel something akin to a used car salesman no matter what the networking event is, you may be an introvert posing as an extrovert.

2 – You feel out of place, even among a large group of friends – Introverts much prefer one on one conversation rather than conversations with large groups, even if the group is full of friends. They often find the topic of conversation dull or not worth jumping in and talking for. However, when they are chatting with just one person, they can sway the topic of conversation to something that excites them. Continue reading