
According to GoodTherapy:

” To me, it means to be a good person and citizen, one who doesn’t lie, cheat, or steal. Having integrity means having a system of morals and ethics that I believe in and do my best to adhere to in all my dealings.

Integrity may not always come easily for any of us. Even the kindest and most loving among us can struggle to do the right thing at times. There sometimes seems to be a small tug of war happening in the event of a moral challenge or difficult situation, and the cartoon vision of an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other might come to mind.”

Vulnerability, honesty, and authenticity are frequently associated with integrity. It is built on the principles of respect and compassion, which help you retain your feeling of self-worth while also ensuring the success of your relationship. Continue reading

Integrity entails doing the right thing, notwithstanding personal convenience, circumstances, or alliances. People who act without integrity have various ill-advised reasons. Some claim the world is overly competitive, and they had to compromise on their values to stay afloat or get ahead in life.

There will always be reasons for not paying heed to the ethics of your actions and compromising on your values. However, when you live a life without integrity, you’re only setting yourself up for failure.

This article shares what happens when you don’t have integrity.

Creates a Fake identity

A life without integrity is filled with lies and dishonesty, which eventually cascades into a completely fake persona. When you make yourself out to be what you are not, it requires constant stress and pressure to live up to that fake identity. Continue reading